at portland state university

epsilon alpha chapter
Welcome to Beta Alpha Psi's Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Portland State University. We are an International Honors Organization for accounting students looking to make the most of their college career by bridging the gap between academia and the professional world through extracurricular efforts. We’re thrilled you’re here and are excited to show you what our chapter is all about.

Professional meetings (with employer guest speakers) are held Wednesdays from 4:00-5:15pm in the Karl Miller Center. Attendance is open to all students, and highly suggested for members and candidates.
Applications for candidacy are accepted on a rolling basis, with no deadlines. After submitting your application, you will be contacted by the membership team with next steps.
In order to become a member, you will need to first apply for candidacy and then you will work towards meeting certain GPA and hourly requirements within a consecutive two term period. After these requirements are met, you will be initiated as a lifelong member of Beta Alpha Psi. For more information, please see our membership page.